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In solid form the ions are attracted to each other , by electrostatic force.; just like the north and south poles of a magnet.

However, when sodium chloride is dissolved in water, the ions are ' free to move' , they are not longer attracted to each other.

Since the ions carry charge e.g. sodium cation is Na^+ and the chloride anion is Cl^- , they can carry this charge accross the potentional difference ; electricity.

NB THe electrons associated with each ion take no part in the conduction process. IT is the IONS that carry the charge. !!!!

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Sodium chloride is a strong electrolyte. It dissociates completely in water to produce Na+ (aq) and Cl- (aq). A moderately concentrated solution of sodium chloride is a very good conductor of electricity. Solid sodium chloride is a poor conductor of electricity, because it's not dissociated into its ions like the aqueous solution.

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Q: Why does sodium chloride conduct electricity when in liquid form but not when solid form?
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Why dont sodium chloride crystal conduct electricity?

Sodium Chloride does not conduct electicity because it is not a metal.Chemical Law: The electrons are unable to move through the latice as they could in a metal and therefore cannot carry electrical charge. Dissolving Sodium Chloride in water will enable it to conduct electricity as the electrons become free to move.

Why does molten sodium chloride will conduct electricity?

No, it is not. 'Solid sodium chloride doesn't conduct electricity, because there are no electrons which are free to move.'

Why does sodium chloride not conduct electricity when solid?

solid nacl although contains ions and is an electrolyte does not conduct electricity because it does not have free valency electrons to move and thus the e- are bounded and this is the reason it does not conduct electricity

What 2 properties of sucrose distinguish it from sodium chloride?

physical or chemical? physical property: sucrose is sweet while sodium chloride is salty, sucrose is often prepared as fine, crystalline powder while sodium chloride is often prepared with larger crystals. chemical property: sucrose is made up of molecules while sodium chloride is made up of ions. sucrose when dissolved in water cannot conduct electricity because it has covalent bonds. thus there are no mobile ions or electrons to conduct electricity. sodium chloride on the other hand has mobile ions when dissolved in water. thus it can conduct electricity.

Is sodium chloride different from a metal as an electrical conductor?

Sodium chloride is different from a metal as an electrical conductor. This is because sodium chloride is an ionic compound and therefore can only conduct electricity when molten or dissolved, as the ions are free to move in this state. However, metals can conduct electricity when solid or molten because the atoms are free to move in both states, therefore they can carry an electrical charge. This is therefore the difference between sodium chloride and metals as an electrical conductor.

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Can NaCl conduct electricity in the liquid phase?

Yes, melted sodium chloride is an electrolyte.

Can solid sodium chloride conduct elcetricity?

Solid sodium chloride doesn't conduct electricity.

Is Sodium chloride do they conduct electric city?

Sodium Chloride solution (dissolved in water) conducts electricity, and molten Sodium Chloride conducts electricty, but dry crystal Sodium Chloride does not conduct electricity.

What does sodium chloride conduct?

Sodium chloride conduct electricity only when is as an electrolyte: in water solution or melted.

Why does a sodium chloride crystal not conduct electricity?

Solid sodium chloride is not an electrolyte.

Does Sodium chloride solid conduct electricity?

Sodium chloride is not electrically conductive.