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The atmosphere around the earth is like a blanket to protect us from the harmful rays of the sun.

When the sun shines straight down like near the equator, there is less atmosphere between the earth and the sun to block the energy.

Near the poles, the atmosphere is thicker because the sun is shining down at an angle and it has to go through more of the blanket of the atmosphere before it touches the earth.

During the winter, each pole is in total darkness nighttime because that area of the pole is behind the earth also.

These areas near the poles are called the Arctic circle and the Antarctic Circle.

Because of the angle to the sun. At the equator the sun light hits the Earth surface pretty much perpendicularly, but at the poles it's a much more oblique angle.

lighter colors reflect light and heat and the ice at the poles are white and reflect more also trees are not found at the poles and they can trap heat

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7y ago
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3y ago
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12y ago

It is because the North and South Poles don't point right at the Sun, as the Equator does, being on the top of the Earth the poles cannot get the direct rays from the Sun. But, the Equator can because it is always pointing towards the Sun, thus, getting more solar energy. Hope this helped.

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2w ago

The Earth's tilt and spherical shape cause the poles to receive less heat than the equator and tropical regions. The Earth is tilted 23.5 degrees towards the Sun, and the Earth's spherical shape causes the sun's rays to hit the equator and tropical regions directly. However, the sun's rays hit the poles at an angle.

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12y ago

The reason that the north pole receives less sunlight compared to the equator has to do with the fact that the north pole is at 90 degrees latitude compared to the equator which is at 0 degrees latitude. This is why the north pole receives less sunlight than the equator does.

Hope this helped! :)

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12y ago

Cold air sinks
If the poles received less energy then it would be darker most of the day and year causing a drop in temperature causing the freezing and formation of new glaciers, decreasing the sea level.

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13y ago

Everything would be different.

We would have to rename the poles, because they would be the equator; and we would have to rename the equator, because two points on it would be the poles. Maybe we would call them the east pole and the west pole.

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6y ago

Because - the Sun's heat strikes the Earth at a much shallower angle - passing through more of the atmosphere, than at the equator. The extra time taken to pass through the atmosphere - means that less heat reaches the surface of our planet.

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9y ago

Because the middle of the earths surface is the hottest on earth and the equator is right in the middle and the poles is at the end of the earths surfaces

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13y ago

The reason for this is the same reason that the Equator gets so much sunlight. The Equator is where lots of sunlight is coming in. The poles are in the spot where not much sunlight comes in.

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13y ago

The axis of rotation of the Earth puts the poles at a less direct angel facing the sun.

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