اتمزح بهذا السؤال !احم لانه عاده ما تكون فراء القوارض ناعمه مثل السنجاب او الارانب او حتي الفئران الخ...
If the fur is soft, that means that they have healthy, clean, glossy fur. Rabbits groom each other a lot. That's why!
Cat fur is softer.
It's pretty much fur, so it feels very soft.
Soft fur comes from nutrients. Minerals and all that stuff make their eyes gleam and their gums pink and their fur soft. Sometimes it is just inherited that a animal's fur is ruff. Like in Alaskan dogs and animals like that. But in animals like bunnies, fur HAS to be soft. If it's fur is not soft, that bunny is sick and needs medical attention for it is malnourished.
its wet then it drys and lol its now soft and clean.....
Downy means covered with down or soft fur.
Cats and dogs are soft because of their fur. The fur is soft so people think the animal is soft.
There skin is thick. The fur is USUALLY soft but thick. so there soft.
Yes. Platypus fur is soft and velvety.
Cat fur is softer.
The soft blanket kept her very warm. The cat's fur is soft. He is very soft spoken. Her voice was so soft she could barely be heard.
It's pretty much fur, so it feels very soft.