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because sometimes the moon is in the wrong position to reflect the sun's light. The sun's light is what makes the moon "light up".

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Q: Why is the moon not visible every night?
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When no moon is visible in the night sky the moon is in what phase?

New Moon.

Is the moon always in the night sky in Great Britain If it is then is it visible in the southern hemisphere If it is not visible every night in Great Britain then why not Intrigues you?

The Moon isn't always in the night sky in Great Britain.That's not just because it's often cloudy!The reason is simply that it spends half its time in the daylight sky.That's because it orbits the Earth once about every 27 days, roughly.Exactly when the Moon is visible at night depends, amongst other things, on the observer's latitude.However, generally speaking if it is visible in the northern hemisphere it's visible at most places in the Southern hemisphere at the same local time of night.I suppose the question could be about whether the Moon is visible at some time during every night. In that case, of course, you get a different answer.The Moon is often visible in the daylight sky, especially when it is not very close to the Sun. Around the time of the new Moon the Moon is closest to the Sun. So not only is the brightness of the Sun obscuring our view of the Moon, but this is also the time when little or no reflected light reaches us from the Moon.

Was the moon visible in the US the night Neil Armstrong first walked on the moon?

The moon was in first quarter phase when he walked on the moon, so it would have been visible in the USA.

Is a full moon visible from earth in the day or at night?

both you can see it day or night

When less and less of the lighted side of the moon becomes visible each night it is a what?

A waning moon

Related questions

When is moon visible?

The Moon will be visible just after sunset tomorrow night, September 21, and every night for the next 25 days. Then the Moon will be too close to the Sun to be visible for a couple of days, and then the cycle will repeat again. As it has every month for 4 BILLION years.

Why do you see the moon every night?

The moon is not always visible at night. If the moon is in conjunction with the sun, it will be a "new moon" and will be very hard to see. Waning crescent moons cannot be seen at night, only in the morning.

Why is the Moon only visable at night?

The moon is visible during the day but it is most visible at night and early morning, but it is somtimes visible throughout the day.

Is moon always visible at night?


When no moon is visible in the night sky the moon is in what phase?

New Moon.

Is the moon always in the night sky in Great Britain If it is then is it visible in the southern hemisphere If it is not visible every night in Great Britain then why not Intrigues you?

The Moon isn't always in the night sky in Great Britain.That's not just because it's often cloudy!The reason is simply that it spends half its time in the daylight sky.That's because it orbits the Earth once about every 27 days, roughly.Exactly when the Moon is visible at night depends, amongst other things, on the observer's latitude.However, generally speaking if it is visible in the northern hemisphere it's visible at most places in the Southern hemisphere at the same local time of night.I suppose the question could be about whether the Moon is visible at some time during every night. In that case, of course, you get a different answer.The Moon is often visible in the daylight sky, especially when it is not very close to the Sun. Around the time of the new Moon the Moon is closest to the Sun. So not only is the brightness of the Sun obscuring our view of the Moon, but this is also the time when little or no reflected light reaches us from the Moon.