

Why isn't animal testing illegal?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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animal testing isn't illeagle becuase the only lic=ving things on this plannet is humans and animals and also bugs. but they cannot test it on bugs because were not related to bugs in any way. So animals are the only living thing too test things on.

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No but it should be because testing on any animal is physical abuse. The animal has no choice in it and that should be illegal. I have seen awful pictures of Chimps with lipstick, Elephants with eyeliner. It should be illegal, because it is truly abuse.

Why is animal testing illegal?

i didnt know it was illegal maybe because it wrong every body has rights!!!!!

What is bad about animal testing?

1) it is crulity to animals. 2)it is illegal to do it when they are alive. 3)it should be illegal for people to do tests on dead animals.