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To show the witness's feelings at the moment, because they may change later

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Q: Why should the confidence level of a witness during a lineup be recorded?
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What is the reason for recording the confidence level of a witness during a lineup?

To show the witness's feelings at the moment, because they may change later

Why is it helpful to record the confidence level of a witness during a lineup?

To show the witness's feelings at the moment, because they may change later

What is the reason for recording the confidence level of a witness during lineup?

To show the witness's feelings at the moment, because they may change later

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The Lineup - 1954 The False Witness Case - 2.8 was released on: USA: 18 November 1955

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This would depend on whether the witness was capable of making a valid identification. If the witness made statements that were inconsistent with the facts of the case, the witness could be impeached (found to be untruthful) at trial or not called as a witness at all, invalidating the lineup identification.

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The dodger's starting lineup song is Fort Minor- Remember the Name (instrumental)