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There could be various reasons for the goods from East Asia being expensive. Some possible factors include high production costs, including labor and raw materials, as well as transportation costs for shipping the goods to other regions. Additionally, goods from East Asia may have high demand or be perceived as high quality, leading to higher prices.

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They were expensive to bring back. The overland Silk Road was dangerous and long. It took moths to travel. Many times the travelers were robbed or ships were lost in storms. The cost of the goods was added to the price when they were sold.

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Why did European traders begin to travel to Asia by sea?

There are many reasons for that decision taken by the traders. 1. In general transporting will be cheap if you take the route via sea than the land. (Ref: An inquiry into the Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith) 2. before European traders discovered the sea route to Asia, they use to take the land route, which passes via the middle east. And when once the sea routes were discovered the costs of many imported goods fell to one third of its value. So the European traders started to travel to Asia by the sea.

What country invented rice?

Rice cannot be invented. It can only be discovered like every other thing that is a creation of nature. As far as the oldest know use of rice and rice cultivation is concerned in human society it is credited to the areas of south Asia in general. So that would include Indian subcontinet, south east Asia and China.

How did imperlism in Africa and Asia lead to ww1?

Too many countries wanted to colonise in Africa and Asia so they fought. Thus, the outbreak of WW1

What does the global age mean?

the first global age was when africa asia and the middle east started trade and that started trade all over the world so the term global age means the growing of trade all over the world. - Aj 12 year old

How did Muslim contributions impact the world?

Muslims have played a huge part in world history, they had many land based empires that over the years only Rome and China could compete with, they held control of a huge portion of trade due to their position between Europe, Africa, and East Asia, if not for their retention of the knowledge that was discovered during Persian, Greek and Roman eras, the U.S. might not have had much of a basis for any of its founding principles, and finally their religious beliefs greatly affected development of many countries such as those in southern Europe (Spain and Portugal primarily), Africa (mostly northern such as Egypt), Middle East, Southern Asia (India, and even more so Pakistan), East Asia (they had a thing in China for a while that affected Neo-Confucianism), Southeast Asia (Indonesia is hugely Muslim), and Northern Europe and the Americas as listed earlier. I just listed just about everywhere on Earth except Australia and Antarctica, so the Muslims have had a huge impact on the world. If you want any more in depth, I'd suggest some personal research or asking a professor, hope this helped!

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