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I don't specifically know why the is not going to be a season to of scrapped princess, I mean i want there to be one as well but can we not just be happy with season one's ending i mean come on it was so funny xoxo XD

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Q: Why wont their be a scrapped princess season 2?
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Is there a princess hours season 2?

No, there isnt a second season but i dont know or if there will be a season 2.

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Xena Warrior Princess - 1995 The Price 2-20 is rated/received certificates of: Argentina:13 Chile:TE Finland:K-13 (season 2 DVD) Germany:16 (season 2) Singapore:PG Spain:13

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Xena Warrior Princess - 1995 The Execution 2-17 is rated/received certificates of: Argentina:13 Chile:TE Finland:K-13 (season 2 DVD) Germany:16 (season 2) Singapore:PG Spain:13

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Xena Warrior Princess - 1995 Return of Callisto 2-5 is rated/received certificates of: Argentina:13 Chile:TE Finland:K-13 (season 2 DVD) Germany:16 (season 2) Singapore:PG Spain:13

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