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There are several reasons why a president might choose not to grant pardons near the end of their first term. They may prefer to wait until their second term in order to project a strong law-and-order image during their re-election campaign. Additionally, they may want to avoid controversy or public criticism that could arise from granting controversial pardons. Finally, they may simply prioritize other pressing matters or not have had enough time to carefully consider and review pardon requests.

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6y ago

Granting pardons, although legal, is not looked upon fondly. Many presidents pardon their friends and business partners.

A president would not grant pardons, so that they will not receive a bad reputation, thus being re-elected would be more probable.

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How would you address Hilary and Bill Clinton if she becomes President?

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What do you call a female president?

Well, heh, since there has never been a woman president (YET), and the spouse of a man president is called the First Lady, I'm guessing the answer would be First Man. Something along the lines of that.

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Next in line is the Speaker of the House of Representatives. However, in actual practice if some scandal made both president and Veep want to resign, the Veep would resign first and a new veep would be appointed. Then the president would quit and the new Veep would become president. The only likely way the House Speaker would become president would be for the President and vice-president to both die suddenly at the same time or nearly the same time.

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Obviously no one can predict who it will be but I think the proper way to refer to him would be, if for instance the President were Mrs. Clinton, it would be President and Mr. Clinton, so the way to refer to him would be Mr. Clinton. Although perhaps the rule might be different in his case since he is an ex-President.