

Why you apply fertilizer to soil?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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11y ago

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You apply fertilizer to soil to increase the amount of nutrients and minerals inside, so that any plants you grow on the soil will grow stronger and better

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Q: Why you apply fertilizer to soil?
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Apply fertilizer before or after rain?

Fertilizer should be applied before rain. Fertilizer should always be watered into the soil or it can cause burning to the grass or plants.

When is the worst time to apply fertilizer?

The worst times to apply fertilizer would be during a protracted hot spell (temps over 30 deg C) or when the soil is dry (potted plants).

What do you prefer manure over fertilizer?

I personally prefer some of both. Manure provides bonding sites for the fertilizer which I apply afterwards, and improves the soil tilth.

What do farmers apply to land or soil to increase nitrogen?

They can either a) spread a nitrogen based fertilizer, or b) rotate to a crop that replaces the nitrogen in the soil.

Is soil and fertilizer the same?

soil is just earth and fertilizer is animal excrement or droppings and soil mixed together

Is fertilizer a necessity product?

No. If the soil is healthy, then fertilizer is not needed.