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Actually it wasn't reflected light. It was light that had passed through a glass prism with a triangular cross-section. He was seeing the effects of refraction. When light meets the surface of a transparent substance that has a different density it bends. Not only that, the amount that it bends depends on the colour of the light. So when Newton sent a white light source toward his prism he was able to split it into its constituent colours because the various colours all bent by different amounts.

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Q: Newton found that reflected light was responsible for objects of different colorshow does this work?
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Why do you see objects as different colors when light is shining on them?

Because certain objects can absorb specific wavelengths of light(color) and they reflect the waves that they cannot absorb. the reflected wave of light is the visible color of the object.

Why Do you see objects when light from them is reflected into your eyes?

Our eyes are specifically designed to detect light. The objects reflecting the light change the property of light, including its intensity and color; this allows us to make conclusions about the objects it was reflected from.Our eyes are specifically designed to detect light. The objects reflecting the light change the property of light, including its intensity and color; this allows us to make conclusions about the objects it was reflected from.Our eyes are specifically designed to detect light. The objects reflecting the light change the property of light, including its intensity and color; this allows us to make conclusions about the objects it was reflected from.Our eyes are specifically designed to detect light. The objects reflecting the light change the property of light, including its intensity and color; this allows us to make conclusions about the objects it was reflected from.

What colors of light are reflected by an opaque black objects?

White Light

What is the process of using reflected sound waves to find objects?


What happens to the light rays that are not reflected by and object?

that color is absorbed by the object (therefore you don't see that color. Only reflected colors can be seen)

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Can light be reflected off all types of objects?

No, not objects that are opaque.

Why do you see objects and their color?

You see objects because visible light( a small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum) is reflected off the surface of something into your eye. All different colors have a different wavelength which defines their frequency. When you see a red object, that object is absorbing all the colors except for red which is then reflected into your eye.

What is viewing the light reflected by any object relative to the light reflected by surrounding objects is most necessary for experiencing?

To experience lightness constancy, it is necessary to view the light reflected by any object relative to the light reflected by surrounding objects. Lightness constancy is defined as the tendency to perceive little variation in the lightness of objects.

Why can't we see objects in a darkened room?

In order to see, the eye must receive light; and darkness is the absence of light. Most of the objects we see around us are visible by reflected light -- reflected sunlight or reflected artificial light. Since darkness is the absence of light, there is no light in the darkness to be reflected from chairs, tables, or people to our eyes, and therefore we can not see these objects.

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Objects in space that can only be viewed from earth becouse of reflected light energy are said to be

What happens to the different colors of light when white light shines on a violet objects?

Red: absorbedOrange: absorbedYellow: absorbedGreen: absorbedBlue: absorbedIndigo: absorbedViolet: reflected