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From the perspective of the Northern Hemisphere, this solstice will be called the "winter" solstice.

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Q: What solstice is the point on the ecliptic when the suns declination is mostly southerly?
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Ideally, the summer solstice is the day with the most sun. It's either June 20th or June 21st. It depends on the year, and what the government decides to publish it as. I've seen it vary a few times, but I've mostly seen it as the 21st.

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Not exactly. The sun is always shining on parts of both the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere. As the Earth is tilted, there are times when it shines on more of one than the other. At the point it is shining on its maximum amount of one hemisphere, it is a solstice. It is still shining on the other hemisphere too, but just not as much as it is at other times. That happens in June, when it is mostly shining on the northern hemisphere, giving it longer days and shorter nights, and in December, when it is mostly shining on the southern hemisphere and it has the longer days and shorter nights.